Tuesday, October 07, 2008

10.07.08 (Week 9, Day 4): Nausea, Nausea, More Nausea

Dear Friends and Family,

I can't complain. I haven't actually thrown up, yet.

But, the nausea is becoming more frequent. And, it's getting worse. I think it's only a matter of time.

Yesterday's routine worked well until I let my stomach get too empty. I think the trick is to keep the stomach always going but not let it get too full. I hate to say it, but the easiest way to do that is to drink juice all day long. I'm sure that's not the healthiest option since there's no protein or fat or fiber in juice, it's almost all sugar. But, if it gets me through the day, I may just go with it for awhile. I'll try it today and see how I do.


PS: I'm getting anxious to share the good news, but we're waiting for now. 10/25 we go home to share the news with our parents. That'll be the start of week 12. And, the weekend after we're in Detroit and I imagine we'll share the news there. Perhaps when I get back from Detroit. Then, I'll post all of these posts and can be real time with it.

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