Friday, October 31, 2008

10.31.08 (Week 12, Day 7): Week 13, Second Trimester!

Dear Friends and Family,

A lot of symptoms definitely tapering off this week. But, it does continue to wear on you. I'm tired of feeling tired. And, tired of the slow digestion. And, tired of the constant burps. And, tired of the continual spotting. And, tired of the potbelly forming. And, tired of waiting. Wednesday is the second half of our first trimester screen. It'll be nice to get that behind us.

Your fully formed fetus, now in about its 11th week of development, measures 2.6 to 3.1 inches from crown to rump and weighs between half an ounce and seven-tenths of an ounce -- about the size of a peach. The head is still disproportionately bigger than the body, but the rest of the body is starting to catch up. In fact, your baby is growing rapidly these days. The face is starting to look more human, with eyes moving closer together. Toes and fingers are clearly separate, and ankles and wrists have formed. External genitalia are becoming visible. Intestines are shifting into their proper place, too.

Your uterus has grown a lot. It's filling your pelvis now and starting to grow upward into your abdomen. It probably feels like a soft, smooth ball. If you haven't put on any weight yet because of morning sickness, you'll begin to now as you start to feel better.

Tip for the Week
It's easy for your partner to feel left out of the pregnancy since he isn't feeling the same physical changes that you are. Both of you should share your excitement about having a child, your dreams, worries and your partner's level of involvement. Suggest that your partner goes to a check-up with you to hear the baby's heartbeat.


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