Monday, October 20, 2008

10.20.08 (Week 11, Day 3): Anxiety Meltdown

Dear Friends and Family,

It happened last night. All of the thinking and reading and pondering and worrying finally got to me. And, I balled my eyes out all night while Mr. mouse tried to comfort me.

The root cause of all of this? Well, on the physical level, the hormones are raging and the stomach is teetering. And, on an emotional level, we've got our first AMA (advanced maternal age) recommended screening in two weeks.

Here's where we landed. Not sure we have the stomach for some of the trisomy diseases that result in fetal death or infant death. But, for others, that may result in hardship, but perhaps years of unknown joys, we think we're willing to sign up for. Mr. mouse assured me he would not fault me or be angry with me if Pioneer has any additional chromosomes. It is what it is. And, he pointed out that it's already decided. Pioneer's genetic make up is already determined and no amount of worrying on my part is going to change it.


PS: Still pro-choice. And, fortunately for me, so is Mr. mouse. Ultimately, he's leaving all of this up to me. If I decide I'm not willing to go through with this, he'll support me in my decision.

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