Monday, October 06, 2008

10.06.08: How is it Already Monday?

Dear Friends and Family,

The weekend flew by. Saturday, I woke early, did some work and then napped. We headed out to the Museum of Science and Industry for the afternoon to see the Smart Home. We got a exhibit resource guide with all sorts of ideas on how to be more green.

Then, Mr. mouse dropped me off at home. I watched Fast Food Nation while he went shopping for some fall clothes. Dinner was a handful of Lemon Heads and Sour Patch Kids. I can't say it's the healthiest, but I fell asleep shortly after the movie, so I forgot to make something.

Sunday, we woke up early again. We went out for dim sum and then more fall shopping. I picked up two new sweaters (sorry, can't find pics online). And, Mr. mouse picked up two new slacks for work. Then, he dropped me off at home. I napped and did some more work while he went out for groceries. We ate, did some house cleaning.

And, it's Monday.

Weather outlook for this Sunday? High of 62° and a low of 47° with a 30% chance of showers. Got some more house cleaning to do this week.


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