Monday, October 13, 2008

10.13.08: The Accidental Marathoner

Dear Friends and Family,

It's late Monday morning and I'm just beginning my day. We had friends in town this weekend for the marathon and I couldn't have enjoyed myself more. I needed a break.

Friday afternoon, I went for my mammogram. And, Mr. mouse headed to the airport to help a friend of ours. Our Turkish friend's mom was flying over from Turkey and had a layover/transfer here. She speaks no English, we're relatively certain most gate agents speak no Turkish. Mr. mouse hung out with her to make sure she made her flight okay.

The timing worked perfectly because Chantal and Eric (two new friends from Canada) flew in right when Mr. mouse was done. They all took the train down together. And, we headed out to Due for some deep dish action. We came back and crashed. Mr. mouse stayed up to let our friends, Fred and Gen, in.

Saturday, over breakfast of toast and fruit and eggs, we had a chance to catch up and make plans for the day. Mr. mouse took the marathoners down to pick up bibs and gear while Fred and I walked the neighborhood to pick up lunch stuff. Chantal, Eric and Gen had all registered for the race. But, Chantal wasn't running because of a change in plans. And, Eric was planning on dropping out at the 35K mark - to get a training run in for the Philadelphia marathon, but not overextend himself. Gen, she was running.

Fred and I had a great walk over to the fruit/vegetable store. Then, we stopped by the wine store to pick up some champagne for Sunday. Then, over to our favorite meat store for some delicious rib eye steaks. And, last but not least, the bakery to pick up toast for breakfast the rest of the weekend. I love shopping at a bunch of specialty stores vs. one generic store. It was also a great chance to catch up.

After lunch, we headed down to Millennium Park to see the park and pick up the bike. Then we chilled at home before starting the pasta pot for dinner. I love a simple pasta. Mr. mouse made tomato sauce Saturday night with a tomato from our crop share, olive oil, garlic and basil. I could have eaten the whole box of pasta myself. Gen made a fabulous salad. And, we had chicken sausage and crop share green beans to round out the meal.

Put the runners to bed. Fred and Chantal made signs while Mr. mouse and I headed out to Target. We picked up some noise makers, some markers, some poster board and party favor medals. We wanted to give Eric one, just in case he didn't finish the full marathon, for finishing the 35K.

Sunday, I had some stuff to do at home. Mr. mouse and Fred dropped the runners off at the park. Then, Fred, Chantal, and Mr. mouse loaded all of their gear onto the three bikes and headed out to watch the race. I had a template to track and estimate the runners arrivals at various check points. One thing we agreed to this year is that we'd always be on the runner's left hand side. So, there wasn't this perpetual guessing game we played last year.

It was hot. But, not as bad as last year. Gen finished. And, so did Eric. He had mentally decided the night before to go the distance. And, in fact, he finished ahead of Gen. I met them all in the tent with some champagne and we slowly made our way home.

Showers. Champagne. Cold pizza. Leftover rib eye. Stories. Laughs. And, we were ready to head over to Spring for dinner. Two more friends joined us for dinner. The wine was excellent. The oysters delicious. The Thai lobster wontons delicate. The fish, well, it's always good. And, dessert, well we were almost too full for dessert. But, I've found a new love - grape sorbet. And, to finish it off, the taste of chocolate at the end. This time it was citrus basil.

We passed out when we got home. And, this morning Chantal and Eric headed to the airport and Mr. mouse headed to work. Fred and Gen are going to see a couple of museums. And, I really should log on soon and start work.


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