Monday, October 27, 2008

10.27.08: Mini College Reunion

Dear Friends and Family,

The weekend went by in a flash.

We flew out on Saturday to New York to see both friends and family. We landed early Saturday morning and took a cab over to the store. My parent, Mr. mouse and I stopped by a diner for some breakfast and to catch up on the latest news. My parents store lease got extended! Whoopee! I'm so happy for them.

Then, we took the train downtown to see my college roommate for lunch. It turned into an impromptu reunion because, amazingly enough, our three close guy friends were all free. It was so good seeing all of them! We need to go back more often.

Saturday night, Mr. mouse and I went out to dinner with my mom; my dad had a prior commitment he couldn't get out of. Then, we took a cab home and spent the evening catching up. I was pretty tired from the flight and from dinner, so by 10PM, we were all in bed for the evening.

Sunday, they dropped us off, bright and early at the airport. Got back home, took a nap, spent some time cleaning the basement, napped some more, watched Game 4 of the World Series, and turned in for the night.

I need to pack for my work trip this morning. I may or may not write tomorrow depending on whether I pack my computer for the trip. If not, see you Wednesday.


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