Friday, March 09, 2007


Dear Friends and Family,

Home again.

Mr. mouse thinks I have the flu. My symptoms? Aches, chills, slight fever, coughing and congestion. I've been taking the Advil every four hours to keep the aches and chills at bay. Now, I think it's just a waiting game. Mouse vs. the flu bug.

One thing it helps explain is why I was so beat after my workout Tuesday night. I thought it was because I hadn't been to the gym in a week and a half. So, I forced my way through the workout even if my entire body was screaming stop. Now, I think the workout was so tough because I was already feeling off Tuesday afternoon. In retrospect, I should have listened to the cues my body was giving and cut my workout short.

Live and learn.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

poor sick mousie - take good care girlfriend. my recipe? gypsy cold care tea (no caff) from traditional medicinals, oscillococcinum (sp?), and double up on C & B vitamins. And bubble baths & sleep - but those help just about everything in my book! xoxoxox