Tuesday, November 06, 2007

11.06.07: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 118

Yeah! The scale wavered between 118 and 118.5 this morning, so I weighed myself 5 times and took the median. Last week was a much better week, eating-wise. I had my 24 points + 35 flex. And, for the first time in three weeks, I didn't go over. Yeah!

I did a better job with both the snacky foods and the bread basket. Tuesday lunch was a smorgasbord of food at the alumni meeting. Thursday, I had the last of the lemon pound cake from Boston. Friday dinner was a smorgasbord of food at the Middle Eastern restaurant. And, Saturday, I had both ½ a cupcake and butter pecan ice cream. That's where my flex points went. And, it was worth every point.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

you are so cute - you're the only person I know that would do a median weight calculation when the delta is 1/2 lb...crazy mousie!

congrats on your level week! my travel has me all out of sorts so I'm focusing on veggies this week...but I'm still happy 2ish lbs above goal...everything fits like a champ. who's to complain too much?! xoxoxox