Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Homemade Bread

Dear Friends and Family,

I tried a new recipe over the weekend, and I found a new love. Homemade bread. It's super simple. It's surprisingly delicious. And, since I know all of the ingredients, I get to count it in the food column of my weekly tracking.

Original article: The Secret of Great Bread
The Follow-On article: No Kneading, but Some Fine Tuning

The hardest part is heating the water to the right temperature. My yeast instructions said 110°-115°. I used a thermometer. That, and, don't try to do a million and one errands at the same time (we did the tailor, the consignment shop, the optometrist, and the salon). Instead, use it as an opportunity to enjoy the time at home and the aroma of freshly baked bread.

I'll be making a second loaf as soon as we finish this loaf. It comes out to 32 points per loaf - about two to three points a slice, about the same as standard bread - so no points savings. But, it's a lot cheaper than buying bread. It's under $2 a loaf for bread. Yum!


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