Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Top Three Update

Dear Friends and Family,

There's a lot going on in our lives, and I think I need to step back and remember what's important. What's my Top 3?
  1. baby, maybe
  2. living green
  3. money matters
It feels a little weird, taking Weight Watchers off from the #1 spot it's occupied for the past two years. But, I'm feeling comfortable with it moving to maintenance mode. If I feel it spiraling out of control, it'll need to move back onto the list. For now, it's off. And, the house, it is what it is. And, we need to do work on it, but clearly, it hasn't been a priority for us. It should be, but it isn't. Which leaves us with...

Small. Not sure where we'll land on this. I don't have a ton to write. Suffice it to say, it's on the list.

Living Green. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about this. I love planning out changes and then executing against them. There's a running list in my head of different things we can do. And, I think about them. And, I research them. And, I picture life post-change. And, I mull on them. And, then, when it feels right, I implement them. It's fun. It keeps me occupied. It's important. And, frankly, I enjoy it. Sounds like a winner to me.

Money Matters, both large and small. Like #2 on the list, this one is a lot of thinking and planning. And, I like the challenge of a budget and the reward of a nest egg. It's refreshing to have a list of stuff I want to buy and be able to restrain from buying it. I had the same stuff go on with Weight Watchers - a list of yummy stuff I wanted to eat that I was able to be disciplined about. Maybe, this one is a reincarnation of Weight Watchers. Hmm... That's something to ponder. And, with the budget adoption, it takes into account clutter control (my former #2) and ties in with living green.


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