Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I Wonder if "I am"

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm learning that part of the trials and tribulations of "trying" is not "knowing."

Of course, I have been noticing changes. Are they all "in my head?" Or are they just signs that I'm "in tune with my body?" It's like the question, how many licks to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

I'm been feeling thirsty, more thirsty than usual. Is it my body building up fluids? Or is it me eating a ton of salty foods? I've been feeling exhausted. Is it excess hormones? Or excess work? My abdomen feels different. Is it more physiological changes? Or is it crunches? And, I've been more apt to queasiness in the morning. Is it the usual morning queasiness that I've had all summer? Or is it morning sickness? And, I'm up two pounds. Is it baby weight? Or food weight?

Well, theoretically, towards the latter half of next week, we'll be able to use data to triangulate around all of this. I guess there's nothing I can do besides just "wait and see."


1 comment:

Trixie said...

mouse, i love you - you're so funny. i totally know what you mean about overthinking every little symptom and ping and pang. sometimes i think we're overly educated on this whole process and would ignorance just be least for 15 minutes?!?! but you are still the only person I know that would "use data to triangulate" intead of just peeing on a stick. have fun with this time, sister - the not knowing is the best part! cause once you know, you really know and that's just a whole 'nother bag of cats. xoxoxox