Tuesday, November 20, 2007

11.20.07: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 119

Better... Better... I decided to re-adjust my goal weight from 120 to 118. Don't ask me why. It just feels right. Now, before you worry, I won't be writing in 4 more months to say I re-adjusted my goal weight to 116. That's just signs of goal creep. But, honestly, I like 118. My body feels good. It's where I've been maintaining until the last four weeks of over-indulgence. It'll make it an even 70 pounds lost. And, it'll make 120 my trigger to get my act together. All logical, rational reasons. Ultimately, it comes down to it feeling right.

Now, to report on my "food" consumption.


apple, asian pear, avocado, banana, barbecued brisket, bison, bok choy, brown rice, butter, canola oil, challah, chestnuts, chocolate pecan tart, cole slaw, egg white, eggplant, french fries, kiwi, mixed greens, mushrooms, olive oil, pan chan, pancakes, popcorn, short rib soup, sushi, tilapia, tuna fish, white rice, whole wheat pasta, wine


bran cereal, chocolate, lactose free milk


biscotti, buffalo wings, chicken sausage, Chinese egg tart, chocolate chip cookie, corn bread, frozen yogurt, ice cream, Italian bread, Kashi granola bar, Kashi lunch, Kraft 2% cheese, Lean Cuisine, life saver, mochi, pizza, rotel, tortilla chips, Trader Joe's bread, twix candy bar, viactiv calcium chew

List length about the same as last week. Laid off the diet sodas for the week which is a good thing. Lots of random baked goods on the list. And, still some snacky stuff. This week will be an anomaly. But, I'll focus on those next week.


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