Thursday, November 29, 2007

11.29.07: Our First Pregnancy Test

Dear Friends and Family,

We took our first pregnancy test together this morning. And, it came out negative. Before I go into how that all made me feel, let me say, wow, these tests have come a long way since the comical ones I remember growing up. First of all, you can take the test the day of your missed period. There's no waiting a week or more before taking the test. And, the display is a digital display. There's no trying to interpret whether you're seeing one line or two. Mr. mouse and I went through a series of ovulation tests a couple of years ago (we had a failure mode that we needed to risk assess) and let me tell you, your mind plays tricks with you in interpreting those lines.

Okay. How do I feel about the negative result? I was a little disappointed. But, also realistically, I was little relieved. If it was that easy to get pregnant, I'd be a little blown away. Also, I'm managing my expectation around the false negative. If I don't "start" by the weekend, we'll be repeating the test on Monday morning.


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