Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sister Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I haven't written about this in awhile. But, sister drama has crept back into my life. It all started about four or five weeks ago when she called to say that they had found a cyst on one of her ovaries. And, it's been 2-3 phone calls a week since. It's been a lot of me listening and her talking. It's been a big time commitment. And, a bigger emotional commitment. Mr. mouse is still pretty stony on the whole topic. And, I still feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. Truth be told, I'm ticked at him for making this harder on me than it has to be. Not that I'm her #1 champion. But, I do want to call the shots on this one. It is my family, after all.

The current status. She had one cyst that ruptured on one ovary. She has a second cyst on that same ovary that is large and growing. Fortunately, for now, it still looks benign. But, it needs to be monitored regularly. On to ovary #2. She has a something-or-other on the other ovary that is forming and growing. Unfortunately, it's tough to say whether it's alarming or not because the image was taken during a point in her monthly cycle when it's tough to gauge these things. So, she's going to get it re-imaged to see what's going on behind door #2.

I honestly worry. And, I hope for good news in the near future. And, I need to figure out how to resolve this with Mr. mouse. It's not working the way he's approaching it now.


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