Monday, November 12, 2007

11.12.07: Emerald City + A Good Night's Sleep

Dear Friends and Family,

Friday night, Mr. mouse and I went out to dinner to celebrate his birthday. We went to an awesome restaurant called Spring and had the chef's menu. This place might become my favorite celebratory dinner spot. We got home, and since I was exhausted, we promptly fell asleep on the couch.

It was an early Saturday morning. We packed and headed out to Seattle to see one of Mr. mouse's close friends who, coincidentally, shares a birthday with Mr. mouse. The flight out was smooth - we played Scrabble, ate breakfast, and got some work done. We got picked up at the airport. I'm stunned at how quickly the kids are growing! And, we went to Chinatown to pick up some food. Got home and chowed down. Our friend's sister-in-law just moved to Seattle recently, and she joined us for the afternoon. We went to the sculpture garden and then to the supermarket. Mr. mouse made basil chicken, steamed striped bass, and salt and pepper shrimp for dinner with bok choy, eggplant and rice on the side. Mr. mouse's friend and I baked a cake and made whipped cream for frosting. The kids loved the whipped cream. It was hilarious watching them.

I totally crashed Saturday night after dinner. I was SO tired. Mr. mouse and his friend stayed up and caught up while we were all asleep. Sunday morning was another early morning. The morning flight canceled, so we had a 1-stop trip back vs. a non-stop. Still, we got home around 4:30 and slept until this morning. I feel so much better now. The cold seems 95% better, I'm caught up on work and I'm caught up on sleep. Life is good.


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