Friday, November 09, 2007

Action Item #11: Water at Work

Dear Friends and Family,

Just in case you're curious - still tired, still battling the remnants of a cold, still could sleep an entire day. Thank God it's Friday.

Yesterday was a sad, sad day at work. I finished my last Diet Mountain Dew. And, since I'm switching to food only, I won't be ordering any more diet soda. You're probably wondering why I'm counting this as a new action item. It's step #1 in a two step process to wean myself off of bottled liquids at work. So, even if I could buy unsweetened, brewed, iced tea at work - it's food, after all, I won't. And, once my existing bottled water supply is exhausted, I'll be switching to tap water. One more action item left for the year. Then, I'll have to hold off until 2008.

2007 Action Plan
  1. 07.20: I pledge to make a difference.
  2. 07.20: I will track my electrical consumption.
  3. 07.20: I will keep the house at 78°+ for the summer.
  4. 08.16: I unplugged the blow dryer.
  5. 09.01: I tried compact fluorescent light bulbs.
  6. 09.02: I replaced the dishwasher.
  7. 10.11: I will keep the house at 54°/74° for the winter.
  8. 10.29: I started a budget, reducing my purchases.
  9. 11:01: I signed up for Residential Real Time Pricing.
  10. 11.08: I will track my "food" consumption.
  11. 11.09: I will switch from bottled to tap water at work.


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