Monday, December 03, 2007

12.03.07: Live Music Capital of the World

Dear Friends and Family,

The weekend flew by. We flew down to Texas for the weekend to see our friends from the first mouse house. The flight down was uneventful. We ate. We read. We played Scrabble. Our neighbor, the Dad, came to pick us up at the airport. He's been on Jenny Craig and looks fabulous. Kudos to him for sticking to it!

Saturday morning, we had a slow morning in the house. We ate some fruit, drank some coffee, and lazed around the house. Then, we headed out to lunch to meet up with some of my old friends from work. It was going to be a party of twelve (2 families, our neighbors and us). We got to the restaurant a little before noon and grabbed a couple of stools at the bar waiting for people to show up. And, wouldn't you believe it - another couple we were really close with showed up for lunch! I had left them a message telling them the details of our lunch plans, but since they hadn't called me back, I assumed I wouldn't get to see them. Turns out the message got garbled so they didn't have my phone number, but they did have the lunch details, so they just showed up. I was so jazzed! We grabbed a table at the bar and ordered some chips and salsa and queso and guacamole and some iced tea and just started catching up on the last five years. It was so good to catch up. Around 1 o'clock, we assumed the others were no shows, so we ordered lunch at the bar. Our neighbors showed up, so it was six of us, and we had fun.

We left to go do some shopping at a new mall that's been built since we left. And, we got a call from one of the no-show families. They had lost track of time and wanted to get together Sunday morning. Done. No clue what happened to the last family. I need to call/write later this week. Did some walking. Did some shopping. Bought a Christmas ornament. Then, we headed out to get some barbecue for dinner. I love the food down there. It's a good thing we've moved. Otherwise, it'd be a constant temptation.

Sunday morning, we got up early to meet our friends for breakfast. They have an absolutely darling three year old. I cannot believe she's as old as she is. I have a sneaking suspicion time goes even faster once you have kids. We spent some time afterwards driving around downtown, taking pictures and enjoying the warm Texas sun. We drove back to the house to pack and get ready for the flight back. We went boot shopping, picking up a belt and buckle instead. Then, we had a quick lunch and some ice cream before heading to the airport.

Our flight was looking dicey. So, we rented a car and headed on the road to Houston. It's a drive Mr. mouse has done often for work. We stopped off to pick up some snacks along the way. I slept the entire car ride. Our flight was delayed, so we logged on to do some work. Then, we boarded the plane. Mr. mouse is sleeping. And, I'm going to get back to work. Figured this was a good break and that I'd be exhausted tomorrow morning.

It's been very therapuetic, having the time to do all of the trips we had been postponing - Boston, Miami, Detroit, and now Texas. These are the moments that make life so special - connecting with all of our friends and spending time with the people we love.


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