Friday, December 28, 2007

Noodle Chu Dim Sum Seafood House

Dear Friends and Family,

What can beat dim sum for brunch on Christmas day? Very few things.

I've learned to navigate the non-pork options for dim sum with the exception of the congee. I love congee, and the standard dim sum congee has pork and preserved egg in it. I figure if I'm down to one pork dish for dim sum, it's close enough for now. Now, if I could only find a way to make it low points like sushi. Sigh.

I thought the dim sum was very good. Mr. mouse's step mom says it's normally better. It confirms what I've always suspected. There are no good dim sum options in Chicago.

Overall rating: 8/10

Noodle Chu Dim Sum Seafood House
770 Route 46 West
Parsippany, NJ 07054 map it
(973) 299-6518


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is not true that there are no options for good dim sum in Chicago. Try Three Happiness and Phoenix, both in Chinatown on the southside of downtown Chicago. Their dishes are as good as, if not better than, Noodle Chu's.