Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas, Everyone

Dear Friends and Family,

Sorry. The timeliness of my posts this week are going to be erratic at best since I don't have my alarm clock set when I'm not working.


My mom and sister drove us to Mr. mouse's dad's house yesterday. We've got a couple of days here before heading home. Things are a lot more low key at Mr. mouse's dad's house. Mr. mouse and I went out yesterday afternoon to the mall to get my watch fixed. Then, we had dinner with the family before opening presents. There were a couple of phone calls to Mr. mouse's grandmother and Mr. mouse's stepmom's son. All-in-all a quiet evening.

Mr. mouse and I watched the Hong Kong version of Shaolin Soccer on the Kung Fu HD channel. There were a couple of missing scenes and a bunch of additional scenes. If we ever buy the movie, we'd probably try to hunt down the Hong Kong version. It's just a tiny bit funnier.


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