Thursday, December 27, 2007

12.27.07: Week 4, Maybe

Dear Friends and Family,

We're potentially in the middle of week 4, maybe. We'll be taking our next at-home pregnancy test on either Sunday the 30th or Monday the 31st, depending upon my mood and anxiety level this weekend. So far, nothing feels out of the norm this month. Stomach is still flat. Appetite is still normal. Emotions are still in check. So, my initial guess is, not pregnant. A couple more days and we'll know more.

I'm not sure if we should keep going about it all the way we have been. Or, if we should start charting temperatures. Or, if we should invest in an ovulation kit. I'll wait until it gets closer and then we can decide. After all, if we are already pregnant, then it'll be a little moot.

Your baby is still very small, only about 0.014 inches to 0.04 inches in length. The embryo, probably in about its second week of development, has multiplied to about 150 cells. Your baby is being nourished by secretions from the uterine lining. Layers of cells already are specialized according to functions. The outer layer will become the nervous system, skin and hair; the inner layer will be the breathing and digestive organs; and the middle layer will become the skeleton, bones, cartilage, muscles, circulatory system, kidneys and sex organs.

You're probably expecting your period this week, and if it doesn't occur it might be one of the first signs that you're pregnant. You may also notice light spotting as the embryo implants itself in your uterus. You might not feel any different yet, but the amniotic cavity, which will be filled with fluid, and the placenta, which will bring oxygen and nutrients to nourish your baby, are forming in your uterus.

Tip for the Week
Try to eat healthfully, which means choosing a variety of foods from the recommended food groups and drinking at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. But you don't really need to "eat for two." You need only an extra 300 calories per day during pregnancy. And don't worry if your food intake drops a little in the beginning because of morning sickness. If you've been eating right already, your baby will get what it needs.


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