Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12.18.07: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 120

Although I suspect sodium is playing a big role in this week's weigh in (I ate my 22 + flex, but I ate a salty dinner both Sunday and Monday nights), I'm not going to take the chance. I'm reducing my points this week to 20 + flex. Once I re-hit 118, which shouldn't, theoretically, take long at all, I'll slowly add the points back in. I don't think it's off by much, I just think a bunch of bites, licks and tastes -AND- salt have added up to two extra pounds of mouse.

On the quest for real food, I did better this week. Under a dozen fake food items. Yeah! Also, we decided to stop buying candy at work for our workshops - it's not worth the temptation for either of us. That'll be good. And, I finished off the last of the not-food cheese this week so that's one less item you'll be seeing on the list. But, Mr. mouse discovered yet another pack of chicken sausages in the freezer. I can't believe it. Three more links to go. Slowly, but surely, we will make our way through it all.

We went to the grocery store last night and picked up mostly food: apples, brown rice, crackers (for our guests tonight, not me), asparagus, garlic, cheese (real food cheese), ginger, olives, blueberries, chicken, and Kashi lunch (not food, I'll have to tackle it sooner or later).


apples, balsamic vinegar, barbecued brisket, blueberries, brown rice, butter, butternut squash, canola oil, chicken thighs, chili powder, chocolate sauce, cinnamon, corn, edamame, egg, egg whites, fish stew, fruit tart, homemade bread, honey, kalbi, leeks, mixed greens, mushrooms, mustard, olive oil, onions, peanut butter, pecans, popcorn, prime rib, red potatoes, roasted vegetables, Ry Krisp crackers, Ryvita crackers, salmon, salsa, sugar, turkey, vegetable stock, white rice, wine, yogurt


beef fajitas, bibimbap, bran cereal, dinner roll, flour tortilla, lactose free milk, Mexican rice, sushi rolls


Hebrew National 97% fat free hot dog*, Kashi granola bar, Korean yogurt*, Kraft 2% cheese*, Lean Cuisine*, mandoo, Reese's peanut butter cup, stuffing, tamales, tortilla chips, Viactiv calcium chew*


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