Monday, December 17, 2007

12.17.07: Math is Hard

Dear Friends and Family,

Can we spell over-engineering? Yes, we can, because that's what I was doing this past weekend.

From what I can gather, you want to have intercourse on the day of ovulation (O) and two days before (O-2). And, because in my silly mind, freshness counts, on O-4. Then, since you have nothing to lose, you might as well on O+1. And, just for fun once the work is done, on O+3. With me so far? Good, cause it's going to get only more complicated from here on in.

What happens if your cycle hasn't been the most regular the last six months? As in 28 days, 28 days, 30 days, 32 days, 31 days and 28 days? And, guessing 31 days for the upcoming one? Well, you layer in a probabilistic model to the above calendar and come up with a modified plan.

And, since I'm a complete dork, you factor in the cost associated with too often vs. not enough. And, basically, end up with a plan that has you covering 10 days, roughly ~33% of the cycle, when you're really only fertile for 24 hours. Mr. mouse took a look to see if he could simplify it all, and was like, forget it, basically, we should be having sex all the time. I'm not far from agreeing with him because my calendar is way too complicated for anyone, even me.

We're in wait and see mode now for December. I think my next cycle is supposed to start 12/30 or 12/31. So, I'll use my second pregnancy test on 12/31 because I'd rather know than not know. I'm silly like that for New Year's Eve since New Year's Day is such a big day of reflection for me.


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