Thursday, December 20, 2007

12.20.07: Week 3, Maybe

Dear Friends and Family,

WebMd has a short blurb each week from The Mayo Clinic. It's just enough information to capture here. Weeks 1 & 2 aren't really weeks, but just used to help everyone with consistent timing. And, weeks 3 & 4 are guessing weeks as well, since it's sometime during week 4 or 5 that you usually take the pregnancy test. So, it might be the middle of week 3. Or, it might not. Statistics say there's a 20% chance it's week 3, 80% chance it's not.

Congratulations! If your egg and your partner's sperm have joined successfully, your embryo is really there, although it's very small -- about the size of the head of a pin. It doesn't look like a fetus or baby; it's just a group of about 100 cells multiplying and growing rapidly. The outer layer of cells will become the placenta, and the inner layer will become the embryo.

You won't notice any changes. It's too soon. Remember, you haven't even missed your period yet.

Tip for the Week
Home pregnancy tests are about as reliable as a urine test or blood test done in the doctor's office and can give you more immediate results than waiting for a doctor's visit. To ensure accuracy, make sure you've read the directions carefully and that all equipment being used is clean.

So far, I don't feel any different. It's the same as last month where I'm not sure. There's just not enough to go off of yet. Eleven days until we take the next pregnancy test.


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