Friday, December 28, 2007

Sorting Old Papers

Dear Friends and Family,

We flew back to the mouse pad yesterday. And, after lunch, we decided to tackle the basement. It's still full of boxes and odds and ends. And, it's begging for some organization love.

We started by bringing up ten or so boxes full of hanging files. I remember the last time we did a purge. It was right before I started school, about ten years ago. And, a lot of the papers were from the days when we had just started dating. It felt like we were shredding history, but the other option was to be buried under a mountain of paper. So, we shredded. We found bits of paper - my first paycheck, Mr. mouse's first paycheck, etc. that we kept, but most of it went.

This time, we've been going through a lot of stuff from my school years (papers, offer letters, curricula) and our wedding and our first house. It's a little tough making the decision to save 1% of it and shred the rest. But, it's the same option as last time - shred or be buried under a mountain of paper. I guess if we didn't sort through it, no one would even see the bits and pieces of wreckage that are worth saving. Anyone else would just toss all the boxes without looking. I know I would, if it was someone else's stuff.

Box status?
  1. empty (recycle)
  2. empty (recycle)
  3. full of empty hanging folders (donate)
  4. full of empty hanging folders (donate)
  5. full of empty hanging folders (donate)
  6. 2001-2003 papers (storage)
  7. 2004-2006 papers (storage)
  8. to be filed (current)
  9. to be sorted
  10. to be sorted
I'll do the last two boxes this morning as Mr. mouse files the one box with current stuff worth saving until the next paper purge fest.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

go mouse - this is awesome. i'm getting a little more inspired with us moving into the new office. last time I did any big purges was mover 2 years ago and things have seemingly found their way back into my "home office" - aka, the room that we pretend doesn't exist - and my storage in the basement. it's gotta go. when life is more calm, perhaps?! aaaah - when DOES that happen? xoxoxo you're always such an inspiration!