Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Friendly Reminder

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday was such an interesting dichotomy to analyze. I have two friends that I invited over for dinner last night. One is literally falling apart at the seams - work is not going well, her dog is sick, her budget is not balanced, her time is stretched, her health needs help, and she's expecting. The other is a case study in calm and connectedness - she just rolls with the punches. One had to cancel at the last minute because of work and weather and the other came with a bottle of wine and a fruit tart.

Both, in their own way, helped me realize how important it is to keep on top of things. When a million and one things pile onto your plate it becomes an ugly game of Whack a Mole. And, I realize I had a million and one things on my plate at one point - selling two homes, unhappy at work, long distance relationship, wellness, money, you name it, I was tackling it.

Maybe, it's time to remind myself what's on my Top 3. Make sure I'm keeping focused on what's important and not merely what's urgent.
  1. baby, maybe
  2. living green
  3. money matters
Yes. I'm continuing to make progress. Nothing to report on the baby front. It's a wait and see game. I haven't added a bunch of new items to living green since I completed my 2007 action plan. The budget piece has been hard but good for me. The "food" piece is a matter of not buying anymore "food" and slowly eating through the existing "food." And, I have about three more weeks of water before I need to switch to Nalgene. Last, but definitely not least, money matters. This will be the first year that Mr. mouse and I contributed to retirement savings outside of the conventional corporate sponsored retirement programs.

As an added bonus, it's only eight more days until the holidays!


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