Monday, December 17, 2007

12.17.07: One Year in the Mouse Pad Together

Dear Friends and Family,

What a wonderful sense of karma. Last weekend, last year, was our move from the mouse house to the mouse pad. And, coincidentally, we were in the Twin Cities last weekend. And, this past weekend was our first weekend in the mouse pad. And, coincidentally, we were at home this past weekend. It's like we planned it. Only we didn't, which somehow makes it even better.

Saturday morning we slept in. It was cloudy and grey and wintry and wet. And, I realized how closely linked my mood is to the weather. I was struggling. I was dragging. We went to pick up our package - the kill a watt meter - and came home. I baked another loaf of bread. And, spent the rest of the day and evening grousing and grumbling as the snow came down. It wasn't the snow per se, it was the cloudy, dark sky that had me down. Mr. mouse went shopping Saturday night, and I used the time to finish off my electrical usage audit - will publish separately.

Sunday we got up early because a friend called Mr. mouse. I was enjoying my morning tea when I realized, SUN! The sun was out! I dragged my tea by the brightest window, pulled back the curtains and drank in the light. After breakfast, we decided to go out and shovel some snow - partly because our association plowers hadn't come by yet, mostly because I wanted some light. OMG - it was simply awesome to be out in the bright sunlight. I was giddy. When the official snow removal people came, we hung up our shovels and headed out onto the deck. We broke out two of our recliners and basked in the sunlight. Mr. mouse took a picture - me, in the lounger, with all my winter gear on. It was fabulous. Then, we were nosy neighbors and watched the entire snow removal process because we were bored and just enjoying the day.

We went shopping afterwards, in the neighborhood. Then, we hit Borders for a Christmas gift and ran into one of our friends from work. They've been over a couple of times and we've got dinner Tuesday on the calendar. It should be fun. Afterwards, we went out to dinner. Then, turned in for an early night.

The sunlight totally made my weekend.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

don't tease - where the hell is the picture?! as you were talking about the sunlight, I just had a feeling you were going to end up on that deck! show us the goods! xoxoxox