Monday, December 24, 2007

12.24.07: Home for the Holidays

Dear Friends and Family,

After a flurry of last minute Christmas shopping and bag packing and cooling our heels at the airport, Mr. mouse and I made it home for the holidays.

Actually, we had a great dinner on Friday night to kick off the weekend. We went to Shikago and made a seven course treat for ourselves with a nice glass of wine. (Restaurant reviews should be coming this week. I promise.) Then, we ran to hit the stores for last minute gifts and stuff.

We left Saturday and got into town mid-afternoon. We took a cab over to my grandmother's. She wasn't doing well at all. I'm not sure if it's old age, a bad day, or the extra food my sister gave her, but she didn't recognize Mr. mouse or me. She would for a second, but then, she'd forget, and we were strangers visiting from the church. She forgot she has seven living children and that my grandfather passed away almost seven years ago. It broke my heart. I can't believe she's such a different person from when we saw her last year.

We went out to dinner Saturday night with the entire family. I think it's pretty important to my parents to be able to get us all together for at least one meal. Then, I had a chance to catch up with my mom over coffee before turning in for the evening.

Sunday was a typical day in the extended mouse household. My mom left early to go to church. We (all the kids) were supposed to drive over by 9:15 to join her. She calls around 8:30 asking my sister to tell a little white lie when people ask where her ex-husband is. Could she just say he didn't come without going into the whole divorce story? She threw a fit, of course. And she refused to go to church. So, then, it'd be awkward for the rest of us to show without her so my mom told all of us to stay at home. Okay. Not like either Mr. mouse or me had any skin in the game. My sister fell back asleep. Mr. mouse, my dad and I went out for brunch at the local diner.

We came back. My dad napped. My mom ran over at church. My brother and sister woke up. We hung out waiting for my mom. We ordered pizza. She came home just as we were eating. We finished eating. We took the family photo. We opened gifts. My Dad headed out for a wedding. We ate dinner at home with my mom. Mr. mouse and my sister installed the new TV and ended up having to rearrange the living room to get enough viewing distance between the TV and the couch. We watched TV before turning in.

Gifts. Well, we mis-judged on sizes for both of my parents. I re-ordered the gifts in the right size. They'll be arriving here in the next week or so, saving me the hassle of going out last night or shipping it from home. Perfect. My brother got us a GPS unit, which is awesome, except Mr. mouse's dad gave Mr. mouse his Christmas gift early (when we visited in August) and it was a GPS unit. Fortunately, my mom wanted it and bought it from us. My parents gave us cash, as usual. And, my sister got us a gift card for a steak dinner, a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne. Fun.

We're headed out to see my grandmother again today before heading over to Mr. mouse's dad's house.


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